Senior week

Many of us enjoy or suffer through the week to week performance of the Bombers. This week is a good time to reflect and celebrate with our seniors. The current senior class is defending state champs. They are back to back GCL champs. This includes winning the GCL by an unheard of combined score of 150-44 this year. They have put in the work and seen the rewards, a lesson they will carry with them for life. Let's take time to highlight our seniors and share their stories.

Jack Renneker was a good grade school athlete. Football gave him confidence and helped him mature. He was lucky enough to dress up on JV for a couple of games his freshman year. He started three games on varsity as a 220 sophomore lineman. He grew better by the game as a junior and was playing his best at Fortress Obitz. A freak off-season ACL tear has cost him this year and it has been hard on him. But he has stayed committed to the team and his teammates and will be a better person for persevering through this unfortunate situation. We are proud of you Jack.

Anyone else have a story to celebrate that they are willing to share?
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