Improving the Rivalry


Well-known member
I was in high School ages ago when fist fights were almost expected at some games, and a good clean fight was not grounds for suspension or expulsion. Things like stealing street signs were not the felonies they are today, but were laughed off as teenage pranks. That said, I was not a fighter and frowned on my classmates fighting. An occasional lawn-job at a rival school was the most I might get involved in and I would feel bad about it the next day.

I personally know of only one Elder fan that "hates" Oak Hills. There would appear to be a number of adults in the Oak Hills community who "hate" Elder, for one reason or another. I do not believe that these individuals represent the majority of Oak Hills fans.

I enjoyed the games the two schools have played in the past. I remember going to Oak Hills during the 1999 season to pick up my son from the game. I parked my car to wait for him and could see that it was a close game. Since the gates were open, I walked in and took a seat in the Oak Hills section. I saw Elder take the lead in the last seconds of the game, delivering Oak Hills a very difficult loss. The Oak Hills fans around me took it good naturally as we congratulated each other on such a good hard fought game. That is how it should be regardless as to which team wins.

Given the recent past with fights (now looked at more seriously) and vandalism being committed, what can be done to make this rivalry a positive thing for the whole community? I know that the two school administrations want this to develop into a healthy rivalry and I believe that most of the adults and students are on board. What can be done with the few troublemakers on both sides to make them toe the line?
I appreciate your thoughts and think all should consider your write-up. The Oak Hills vs Elder rivalry could be a great thing for the community, especially if both sides win or lose with class. I agree with pretty much all of your comments except one. Come on- Only one Elder fan "hates" Oak Hills? First of all, that is totally false! Secondly, do NOT take yappi posts as an indication of like or dislike. Several of the OH yappi's dedicate their time to getting a rise out of Elder trolls since Elder has basically hijacked our forums. Every time there is a legit post an Elder yappi has to make a comment about how terrible we are at this or that. I sincerely appreciate your comments, but it is just "yappi" and it's not that important.
I appreciate your thoughts and think all should consider your write-up. The Oak Hills vs Elder rivalry could be a great thing for the community, especially if both sides win or lose with class. I agree with pretty much all of your comments except one. Come on- Only one Elder fan "hates" Oak Hills? First of all, that is totally false! Secondly, do NOT take yappi posts as an indication of like or dislike. Several of the OH yappi's dedicate their time to getting a rise out of Elder trolls since Elder has basically hijacked our forums. Every time there is a legit post an Elder yappi has to make a comment about how terrible we are at this or that. I sincerely appreciate your comments, but it is just "yappi" and it's not that important.
I am glad you appreciate the positive nature of my post. Let me address your response. First of all, I only know a couple hundred members of the Elder community personally (and outside of yappi) and none of those have any ill will toward Oak Hills. I have Oak Hills grads in my closest circle of friends, guys I went to grade school with and, with whom, I have maintained our friendship for nigh on fifty years. Of the yappi community members I am personally familiar with, I can only think of one that might truly hate Oak Hills and he has a maturity problem in general. I would say the same might be true of any Oak Hills fans who "dedicate their time to getting a rise out of Elder Trolls". We can have a good, intelligent, debate about the outcome of the upcoming game and even engage in good natured jabs if we can avoid dishonesty and meanness in the process.

As to posting on the Elder side, I would encourage you to comment on that board as long as you do so in the spirit of good honest debate, or good natured ribbing. Many fans of other schools have commented on many of the non-sport threads and on the sport threads without any problem. If you are of the same vintage, I would love to hear you, or another Oak Hills grad comment on the local bands of the 70's and 80's. I know Robyn Lacy can't be the only Oak Hills grad performing today. The same could be said of the westsider thread, certainly most Oak Hills grads can contribute something about what has or is going on in the neighborhood.

As to sports threads, you were discussing the game and I gave my prediction, which I believe was reasonable and based solely on my limited knowledge of the returning players. I know little of the upcoming sophomores and freshman so I limit my comments to what I know.

Finally, I hope I am not the only one that tries to maintain the same persona whether on or off line. I know others who do not and the hyperbole and dishonesty that results destroys any meaning that a discussion board might otherwise have. I do not live or die over what is said on yappi, but if it is to be a worthwhile experience, one should try to retain some level of seriousness.

I look forward to discussing the game with you as it approaches and the outcome of the game after it is concluded. I hope that it is a good game and there is much worth talking about. Maybe some unexpected star will surface on one or both of the teams. That is what makes high school sports so much fun.
FINALLY! The "VOICE" of reason. I will follow your lead and maintain a positive approach to the debates.

I will comment on some of your questions when I have some time tomorrow.