Football Jamboree needs your support


New member
Wasn't it just a year ago that we heard OSHAA talk about Jamboree?

At the time I wrote how much fun it is in North Carolina. Tonight it's expanded to three sites in surrounding areas with 8 teams at each site. If you ever hear a discussion, consider supporting the idea.

Apparently there are a couple of types. Tonight is what I call -"football business". Two teams scrimmaging at each end of the field for an hour beginning at 6pm. Then at 7pm, four different teams. At 8pm the first four return and switch opponents. At 9pm the last four return.

Another format I saw advertised last week is what I call "social jamboree". There might be just four teams (or even just two but with JV units too). But cheerleaders perform and I think compete. Marching (or maybe standstill ) bands with t-shirts & shorts get to play. We've already had the tax-free weekend for back-to-school stuff so the kids are gearing up.

One school having its first Jamboree tonight said that sites need lots of space for vendors & clubs. I kinda like the "social jamboree" idea because it involves more students & parents. Whatever way, sounds like lots of fun for 5 bucks on an August Friday night!