
So much for being home the past month, was on the road again but I should be home the rest of the winter!

Great to see the "resident Homobigot" having a hissy fit on the debate forum about the repel of DADT, Some things never change i guess, especially the woe is me everyone is attacking me and I never attack anyone, woe is me, LOL LOL
Snow Snow and more snow! One storm after another has been coming up the coast this winter, Boston is over 60 inches for the season so far. Two lane roads down to one lane because of the piles of snow and there is no place to put it! Thank God I have 7 weeks of vacation time so I can use those one day at a time and not be out in the snow.
Wher the heck have I been hiding? Working in New Jersey, New York, New Hampshire and am finaly back in Massachusetts!!

Spending a heck of a lot of time on Facebook lately

Still living alone, even though my dear friend Doug stops by several times a week to eat me out of house and home.

Hopefully Ill be around more often!
Smile!! Im still floating around! That should make some people not so happy, lol

Still working in New Jersey and now in Pennsylvania, hopefully I will be back in Massachusetts in another week or two!

How about New York passing Same Sex marriage!!!!

How about the repel of the discriminatory Dont Ask Dont Tell policy!!!!!
November 11

In Loving memory of my life partner Kenneth Choiniere who passed away in 2008, Always in my heart!!