All-Sports Trophy Standings - Post Fall


New member
Current Standings - After the Fall Season
65.0 - Jackson
59.5 - Hoover
48.0 - Lake
45.0 - Perry
40.5 - Boardman
40.5 - GlenOak
17.5 - Fitch
17.0 - McKinley

Note #1: Bowling now counts as a FL trophy race sport.

Note #2: Fitch does not have swim teams, thus they will automatically get one point for both boys and girls swimming.

FL All-Sports Champs
1988 - Perry
1989 - GlenOak
1990 - GlenOak
1991 - Jackson
1992 - Jackson
1993 - Jackson (retired)
1994 - Jackson
1995 - Hoover
1996 - Jackson
1997 - Jackson
1998 - Hoover
1999 - Jackson
2000 - Jackson
2001 - Jackson (retired)
2002 - Hoover
2003 - Hoover
2004 - Hoover (retired)
2005 - Hoover
2006 - Hoover
2007 - Hoover (retired)

1. Jackson - 138.00
2. Hoover - 130.00
3. Boardman - 109.50
4. Perry - 103.50
5. GlenOak - 92.00
6. Lake - 81.50
7. McKinley - 53.50
8. Fitch - 53.00

League Champs by Sport
Football - Hoover
Boys CC - Hoover
Girls CC - Hoover
Girls Golf - Perry
Boys Golf - Lake
Boys Soccer - Jackson
Girls Soccer - Jackson
Girls Tennis - Jackson
Volleyball - Lake/Jackson (tie)
Boys Basketball - Perry
Girls Basketball - Hoover
Wrestling - Perry
Boys Swimming - Hoover
Girls Swimming - GlenOak
Boys Bowling - Boardman
Girls Bowling - Fitch
Baseball - Jackson
Boys Track - Boardman
Girls Track - Jackson
Boys Tennis - Jackson
Softball - Hoover/Jackson (tie)

Final Standings by Sport (21 sports)
1. Jackson - 1st (8), 2nd (4), 3rd (4), 4th (1), 5th (3), 7th (1)
2. Hoover - 1st (6), 2nd (4), 3rd (5), 4th (4), 6th (1), 7th (1)
3. Boardman - 1st (2), 2nd (6), 3rd (1), 4th (4), 5th (5), 6th (2), 7th (1)
4. Perry - 1st (3), 2nd (2), 3rd (4), 4th (3), 5th (2), 6th (7)
5. GlenOak - 1st (1), 2nd (4), 3rd (2), 4th (2), 5th (5), 6th (3), 7th (4)
6. Lake - 1st (2), 2nd (2), 3rd (2), 4th (2), 5th (3), 6th (4), 7th (3), 8th (3)
7. McKinley - 2nd (1), 3rd (1), 4th (2), 5th (3), 6th (3), 7th (3), 8th (8)
8. Fitch - 1st (1), 2nd (1), 3rd (2), 4th (1), 6th (2), 7th (4), 8th (10)