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  • Thanks for the kind wishes! We ran well enough, but I believe(hope) we can be better. DJ was a bit stale after a week of therapy and nothing much else... Ambro and Orion went out a bit fast and lost 45 places after the mile mark.

    I am worried about our early pacing at Nat'l Trails... the early pace is ridiculously fast, but not going with it could leave us buried so far back we wouldn't be able to climb back into the race...

    Any way, best wishes to Lucas and Alex!

    And, btw, to the guys who commented that a good HS coach would do a better job at Ohio State: I nominate you!
    Hey mathking,

    Confirmation that this message had been received, so I'm changing it for now...didn't realize that others could read this (because I can read a note from another poster to you).
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