

Cooling Off
I need to start working out more, I can feel myself starting to get pudgy. Like twbb, I think it would benefit keeping track of runs/workouts to help keep me motivated. My overall goal is to reach 160 lbs. I would like to take time off of my 2 mile for my PT test, but I know the results are already faulty because my last one was like 15:50 coming off a month of leave and no PT whatsoever. But I want to eventually be able to run close to a 14 minute 2 mile.

Currently weigh 180 on the dot. Will weigh myself every Monday.

Ran about 1 mile this morning, with backwards sprints uphill, and regular sprints uphill as well.
Did some abs, a little upper body and some sprints this morning. Will probably go for a run later and do some uphill sprints.
Putting this on hold until Monday. Getting together with someone I know who used to be a personal trainer to get a workout plan going.