Joe's Economy And Bidenomics

Economy is fine because America is a great country (capitalism) despite our stupid pols. Want lower inflation 3 things need to happen none to do with who is POTUS. No. 1 get more workers, no.2 increase production among workers, or no.3 the worse scenario a recession.
Team Biden has finally completed the decades long trend of establishing the Federal Government as the prime mover of the American economy. Is that power desirable or something to be feared as dependence on the government grows?
Economy is fine because America is a great country (capitalism) despite our stupid pols. Want lower inflation 3 things need to happen none to do with who is POTUS. No. 1 get more workers, no.2 increase production among workers, or no.3 the worse scenario a recession.

Well at least you're correct about the president have basically nothing to do with inflation, the rest, not so much.
Waiting on your answer
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At the beginning of this thread Saymyname was forecasting(and hoping for) a Biden Recession....LOL

Trump repeatedly said that Biden would crash the economy. He's a liar.
39.6..hope this helps. LOL
I love you’re setting yourself up for big disappoint obsessing over polls that are notorious for not predicting general election outcomes.
I didn’t realize till recently that food and energy were not included when measuring inflation. Recent report stated that a basic grocery trip (eggs, milk, cereal, chicken etc) that cost $100 in 2019 would cost $136 today. That’s a pretty significant jump but inflation number reported don’t reflect. I think this is a big reason why Bidenomics isn’t playing with most Americans.