I idolize: Bobcatfan

J West

New member
So what?!

J West is the original cloud hopping flower sniffer.

So it is no surprise that I idolize Bobcatfan.

Am I gay? No. But if I was, I would try to be just like him. He isn't the "sizzle." He's the "steak."

I don't find it objectionable to participate in gay sexual acts. It's just not "me."
But this guy goes WAY beyond simple sexual behavior or orientation.

I love him because of the man that he is. Period.

He doesn't need a state sanctioned religion to give him his identity and marching papers. Dude steps to the beat of a drum that HE hears without the aid of a state sanctioned interpretation and application.

To a man who sticks with his partner because it's the right thing to do...for better or worse...whether the "state says it's ok or not." He is a man of principle.

I could go on and on. I won't because it would be cheap and patronizing.

But when Jesus said to "take care of those who need it and in doing so, you're taking care of me," he meant people like bobcatfan. My personal freaking hero.

I know you would be embarrassed and humled by this, but that's what I freaking love about you. :banana: :thumb: :clap: :party:
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Yappi is nothing without the people behind the keyboards, tapping out their personalities for everyone to see. There are those who say that we don't "know" eachother because all we see is the "mere words" that are typed out here on this virtual platform.

I disagree with that. I think that the words here are a clear indication of what people are all about. The tongue is like a rudder. It steers the whole ship. We are not defined by our physicality. We are defined by our minds and our minds communicate with eachother in a number of ways. One of those ways is Yappi and it is as legit as any other way that we communicate.

Having said this, I have enjoyed "getting to know" a wide range of personalities represented here. Keno Sultan is one of the few that I have had the pleasure of getting to know face to face and as a personal friend.

Keno is about the purest person I know. Keno has worked tirelessly to graduate from Mount Union. Keno's stories have intrigued us and made us laugh. He has given us reasons to read yappi (and other publications) and has entertained us with his writing style.

Keno is a young writer. He has been sharpening his skills in one of the toughest places ever: A PUBLIC FORUM. It isn't easy. But Keno has been willing to work tirelessly covering high school sports and the personalities that play the games and coach them.

EVERYONE seems to have an opinion about this guy. Here is mine. Keno is at the same time, fearless and gentle. He will approach any one and ask them anything yet would never issue a threat or do anything to hurt someone's reputation. He gets the story straight and tells it like it is. Keno is simply, a man.

Here's to a guy who has given us new catch phrases like "leading with force" and the "beast of streets." (Lincoln Way East) A man who hails from Canton yet reported on Massillon where fans learned to love him.

But it's Keno's heart of gold that makes him one of my personal heroes. Even when he has the opportunity to hammer someone in the press that deserves it, he finds a way to give a positive spin.

Keno Sultan. God's gift to Yappi. Wish we could all be more like him.
Hank Aaron.


It wasn't easy being a black man and breaking the (White) Babe's record. Think it was? Think again.

We are seeing something historic coming from an unlikely source: Hank Aaron.

To this point, life was easy as a black man: "Just support whatever black guy is making a run against "whitey" and you'll be fine." Not Hank.

This dude's for real!

He still works for the Braves. Translated: He can't say what he really thinks.

But he won't be there when Barry breaks the record... even if it's in his own backyard.


Bottom line for Hank, it seems, is that a record is written in black and white. It isn't about being black when you get to that point. I think he would have a problem with Sammie's corked bat. I think he has a problem with Barry's roided up record. And finally, we get to the point in human relations where the "DEFAULT" position doesn't end up being the one we cling to, despite the new informaton we are confronted with. Like racism.

Like the position of "stickin" with your own.

Hank's "own" in this scenario is those that hold the major league home run record. Him and the Babe.

Now Barry wants in. Barry wants a little piece of history that is shared between two men. Only Barry used a little post modern genetic/chemical enhancement (allegedly) to get what Hank and the Babe did, power by beef and beer.

Hank doesn't see color. He sees Math. He sees correctly. I will Join Hank Aaron in NOT being there for Barry's home run. In fact, if we started a "NOT THERE" website, it would sell in the millions.

Hats off to Hank freaking Aaron. A MAN of principle.

"It is what it is, whatever color it happens to be." Hank. (quote is not an actual quote of H. Aaron but a summary of his position put into words by a person known as J West... not a real person)

Hank. "YOU GO BOY!"
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I am going to take a departure from posting about personalities to talk about something that is very important. Call it a pubic... er... public service. It's about peeing. Sorry but here "goes."

If you're a chick it's no problem. You sit you pee you you tidy up you leave.

If you're a guy, it's alot more complicated.

First of all, do you at least have the decency to lift up the lid? Sure, maybe when you're at your own place but how about in public? Many don't, leaving the stinking wet mess laying on the seat for some unexpecting dude that pees like a chick. Dang it. Hate that!

And once you've become a genitalman and learned to lift the seat, do you have the uncommon decency to put it back down when you're through? Most do not. I don't want my sweet petunia to have to look at those little public hairs laying there on the porcelain like so many fish washed up on the shore. It's disgusting. Not to mention that if it's late and she has to tinkle in the middle of the night and then sits on that nasty cold slippery non seated rim... YUCK!!!

Put the seat back down, boys.

Finally. Have you ever tried to fill the complete surface of the water with bubbles? I have. It's tough, though because the last little area always seems to get broken up. I gave up on this long time ago. Futility. But it has brought me to a point in my life where I look at the best way to live among the other humans.

Like at work. Is it polite to just pee, balls to the wall, straight into the pool making all that bubbling noise and splashing it out on the floor? Or do you try to sneak it down the side of the bowl so as to avoid making your peeing experience something that the entire office has to endure?

I must admit, that when I am angry, I just pee in the bowl right into the middle letting it noisily splash up to send a message to the world. But for the most part, I try to sneak it down the side. It's only polite.

And please, please please, have the decency to wipe up the floor when you're done. Is it too much to ask?

So there you have it. Some people's pee habits really piss me off. You can tell a lot about someone by the way that they pee. Don't be a bad pee-er. Be a good one and you will enjoy untold rewards.:cool: ;)
"blog" (a word I Hate) distant cousin to "prolly." *&^%$#!!!

I read a blog recently where the bloger wondered why anyone would want to keep a blog. "What's the point?" he wondered.

That others will discover the hidden genius?

Or that people will come to appreciate the insightful observations?

Or maybe, finally someone can become popular because they're so clever and people will have a place to compare his brilliance with others who of course are not as brilliant?

The whole thing seems that way to me. Why blog?

Why do I blog? Because there's no more freaking debate forum, that's why. I didn't blog for a long time because of all that. And because at least I could give it a chance and see what happens. Maybe I'll discover something good in blogging. Maybe together we can all discover the importance of blogging:grouphug: .

If you have a chance to check out Margaret Cho's act on HBO or where ever she is, you'd find not only a genuinely funny chick ( a rare commodity), you;d also find someone who is spitting out wisdom.

Her take on modern day christians is hilarious and poignant at the same time. She is certain that when Jesus comes back he;ll look at them and say "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"

Hilarious. And true. I mean seven the satanists and witches are saying to Christians, "Man you guys are mean."
Tonight in San Antonio... A new set of Witnesses will be born.

On the news this morning, there was this news dude from San Antonio talking about the match up. He said that most people in SA think that this series will be a one sided affair lasting a mere four games or five at the most.

I saw a piece this morning on Sonny Vaccarro and how he saw LBJ first when he was 15 or 16 years old.

After hearing all the hype, he thought, there was no way that anyone could live up that. It was in a pick up game that he was a witness and saw the quality of a James' 75' long bounce pass... a bullet, right on the money and a perfect assist. Most guys go hopping around and shoot some jumpers and go up the court talking trash, mix in a dunk and they think they're home. Not this guy.

He saw the whole court and laced a no looker half the court, on the money to a streaking team mate that couldn't believe his "luck" in receiving such a perfect pass.

Vaccarro was stunned. He picked up his phone and started dialing. The rest is history. We are witnesses.

Tonight, San Antonio, even if they win, will become aware that this is NOT the push over they expect.

But we'll keep this news local until tonight when LJB and the cavs bust out the whole can of whoop arse on these guys. The series doesn't start til game three. Tonight is showtime and maybe steal one away. Gravy.

The Jesus I know.

Although Lebron and company didn't win the NBA Championship, we did see a team led by one man, one of the youngest in history to take his team to the finals. The entire team contibuted but his was clearly his leadership that coaxed these over achievers into the big dance.

But I have been looking at this for awhile and have run it by some people and thought about it some more. It's all about Jesus and whether his "act of salvation" was powerful enough to rule out the necessity of choice. Especially because Adam and the sin he committed, seem to have more power.

Adam and his wife set in motion a sweeping wave of death that condemned everything to living death and a second death in a fiery place of torment... no choice required.

Jesus provided something that requires a choice and means that some people who don't decide correctly, are going to remain under the effect of the curse of Adam and ultimately live eternally in torment.

Seems like Adma has an edge over Jesus on this one.

Let's look at this another way. Adam sinned and EVERYONE was condemend.

Jesus died and rose and SOME PEOPLE will make it to heaven as a result of this.

The math seems to indicate that Adam and his wife have an edge over Jesus.

This means something else to me. I think I;m going to work with the principles of christ instead of the rank and rigid morality of "Thou shalt not..." I am more concerned about what I should be doing than what I shouldn't be doing. Jesus died for all the "shalt not's.' Murder, theft, lying, adultry, you name it. Should not be doing that stuff. Jesus died for that.

Now what should I be doing? Love one another comes to mind. I think I read that somewhere. As I would want someone to love me. Sounds familiar to me.

And look for the the truth of God with everything you have.

And stop judging everyone with things like "well they don't think this way or that and therefore they are going to helil.

Jesus is greater than Adam and his wife. Heaven is realizing this before you die so you can go with peace and happiness. Heill is not knowing at all and the despair one takes with them and the imaginations of so many horrible things into a death of unknown horrors.

Jesus did it all.

I'm happy Hitler will be in Heaven because maybe then there's room for a simple sinner like myself.

Jesus was greater than the sin of Hitler. If he isn't, then he might not be big enough for my simple sinfulness either.

One more time, I;ve said it before and I'll say it again... it's my prayer:

If we aren't all going, count me out. They're all my neighbor and I love them as myself because they are me. And yet they are Jesus himself because he said, whatever you do for the least of these my brothers, that you did unto me.

No more judging. It's taken care of. The faster we all know it, the quicker it all goes down.
Pride Week

I'm all freaking for it!

Gay pride. Why not?

I used to think it was about "parading around and rubbing it in "our"* faces."

As if "our faces" was defined as "people with faces that hate homosexuality and homosexuals."

I say that heterosexual homophobes need to get over themselves. Yeah, as if gay people everywhere just sit around and look for ways to gross out straight people or push it a little closer to the edge.

Please! Gay people have better things to do than to sit around thinking of how to enrage "normal people."

So let's have a parade! And the parade is really not about gayness. Not really. it's about INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS to live a life according to one's belief.

You're not gay? THEN DON'T BE GAY!

But let's let individual people have their right to live with whomever and commit to whomever and make it legal and allow them the decency and respect and legal family rights that heterosexuals enojy.

If you're a dude, would you want to make out with another dude for the rest of your life? YUUUUUCCCKKKKKK!!!!!

Do you think you could "become gay?" Maybe have a go at it with some other dude? :0(

So how can anyone expect a gay person to simply change his feelings?

Should he immerse himself in straight porn and go for it with as many chicks as possible to help bring his ship around... so to speak. I mean, seriously!

I am happy to be monogamous. I found my soulmate. It happens to be Polarbear. We're in deep.
I'm glad that we live in a country where individuals are allowed to choose the one they commit their life to.

Is it the position of the United States (or any) government to decide with whom citizens can commit their lives to and love forever and become family with?

This is a country that is proud of its capacity for diversity. We say that. I think I even read that somewhere.

Then when we find something that is really different. and we cringe and outlaw it and suppress it's expression and right to exist as a legitemate experience... complete with judgemental self righteous demands for conformity.

No. Those days are dying. People are waking up.

Let people be people and stop trying to make everyone be like you. You ain't so hot, anyways.

I think that's what this pride thing is all about. It's the future masquerading as a parade of ridiculous and absurd human beings being happy for their right to exist. I LOVE it!!!:rainbow:
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The little lady seems to be in a tizzy over another poster's pee habits. Personally, I am for urinary rights. If the dude doesn't want to wash after peeing, then don't. I haven't read that particular blog so I really can't comment.

I remember in the Navy when once asked by a Marine why I didn't wash my hands after peeing. "In the Marines, they teach us to wash after we urinate. HooAahh!" I merely explained that in the Navy, they teach us not to pee on our hands. Seems pretty simple.

Jackson High School and the Polar Bears. I live in this community. I moved from California so that my boy could play football for Massillon... his dream. he lived his dream and had a great experience.

Then, after marrying PolarBear, we moved in together and live in Jackson where her house is, (Ours, now) But what are the prospects for good football here in this community? I think that next few years are going to tell the story.

We now have open enrollment here. We also have Coach McDaniels, who is a proven winner. Those two factors should get the wave rolling in... a wave of highly talented players who want a decent education.

But for some reason, this community of over achievers has not been an overachieving football community. In fact, football here is pretty much a joke. The best player in the history of this school went to Akron U and fizzled out after trying out for the pros. Even other Fed League schools have produced great college and pro athletes. Not the Polar bears.

Something is going to have to happen here. There are more and more people coming to Jackson all the time. Maybe some day, the township will take football seriously and WINNING seriously and turn this around.

BTW in Massillon, they have the new field turf in and it looks spectacular. They also are in the process of turning the grass practice field by the school into a state of the art indoor training facility.

THAT'S how you do it. When football is a priority, you'll do extraordinary things. Take note Jackson, when you get some facilities and some conviction about football, things should change. Like a new stadium.

If you build it, they will come. If you don't, I am predicting more the same mediocrity. Some people on Yappi have never heard of Jackson High School. And why? Because there's nothing to hear about.

That's gotta change.

I do not like birthdays or most other holidays where gifts are EXPECTED to be given. And they have to be the right kind and give the right message and be for enough money.

Christ(?)mas. Yeah right. Giftmas. That's more accurate.

You want to give me something on my birthday? Give me this: Give me the knowledge that you understand that I am not interested in celebrating that "one special day."

Every single day is special and represents an opportunity to do something that contributes. I don't need a birthday. I don't need a special day to remind me of the greatness of the sacrifice that Jesus and others have made.

I don't need a special day to get worked up about MLK Jr.

I don't need a day to feel extra patriotic or thankful.

Although I will say that the one exception to this in my book is Thanksgiving. What better thing to do than to get a long weekend filled with football and food till you want to puke and/or and fall asleep.

I don't need birthdays and holidays that celebrate religious ideals with materialism as the main focus. It's ridiculous.

Another trip around the sun. Aren't we special?:rolleyes:
Waiting stinks.

You have to wait to get into a game. First you wait to get a ticket, then you wait to get in the gate. Then you wait for a seat and wait in line to grab a dog and a Coke.

Then when it's all finished, you wait to walk out the front gate and reach your car only to wait while jockying for position with a thousand self absorbed type A's. It's brutal.

Or the slow driver. How do you always end up behind these guys?

It's simple, really. When you drive fast, you will always catch the slower vehicles. Pass one and you can bet there's another coming.

Banks. Drive throughs. Restaurants. Amusement parks. Doctors. Dentists. (The worst: Waiting for pain, followed by a big bill.)

Waiting. Hate it.

I know a guy who is NOT into waiting at all. He's thought alot about it, being a studious young gentlemen of 10 years old. He wants to be a garbage-man when he grows up. "They don't wait for anything. In fact, it's sitting there all night long, waiting for me!"

Looks like the kid's got it all figured out.

I can't wait to see how this whole thing turn out. But wait is exactly what we continue to do.

Waiting. :rolleyes:
Visualize Whirled Peas

It really is easy if you try.

Did anyone check out that singing mother vid? Hilarious.


It's pretty much worth the look.

As far as the whole web log thing is concerned, you know, I've basically been doing nothing. If by nothing you mean trying to pass myself off as a dude for all these years, marrying polarbear, having a kid and then discovering that not only is my wife gay but that I am actually, a woman.

So there you have it... that is according to another poster who basically has "The Whole Thing" figured out and has decided that we were the kind of people that he should "get inside their heads" and tell us like it is. And I have benefited from this.

He's funny.

Me? Life is what it is. I have found Jesus. And he needs help. I intend to be there for him.

It's kinda of a whacked way of looking at things, according to some. But for me, I find Jesus where he said he would be: behind the eyes of the imprisoned and hungry and sick and widowed people in the World.

The troubled, the helpless and hopeless, depressed, misdirected.

"What ever you do to the least of these, my brothers, that you do unto me." Jesus.

He said he is the poor and the needy and helpless and unattractive outcasts of the world. "... do unto them... and your doing it unto me."

OK OK. Enough with that.

OK here. Solve this little cunnundrum:

Statement: I am lying to you, right now.
Question: Do you believe me?

I have always liked that one.

Look for Keno Sultan's reports on Lake High School Football in the Suburbanite news paper found through out southern Summit County convenient store locations.

Keno's got a great gig. Much of his intern work was done reporting for Yappi teams and personalities from NE Ohio. Now he has Lake High School Football. He's doing a heck of a job, actually.

(*) Don't be one. Be nice. Let everyone in.:cool:
I was raised a racist. My family had some real one sided kind of views.

But then I grew up and realized that there are people all over the world and they look and act differently, I realized that I was just one more person on the planet just like that guy over there and that woman across the way there. We all should have equal access, don't you think?

I got this from my experiences in the Navy. The USS Blue Ridge LCC 19 was my home for two years. 9 different countries in two years. Most of them a few times like Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Thailand and Korea.

I learned something about people everywhere. Some of them don't like to be called nijj--.

But then again, some don't like to be called a racist.

In fact they hate it.

Give peace a chance. That's all I am saying.

These comment were made in response to a couple of posters on the general forum who believe that using these words and thinking thinking of others in such terms is OK. One went so far as to suggest that "since it's OK to call people white trash, why shouldn't we be allowed to refer to them as nijjers?"

Are we that dense? Is it me?

Is it worth a blog entry?

I think it is. As part of my mission here in this life, I want to further the cause of equality. Politically correct?

Damn straight!

What's wrong with taking into consideration as many people's feelings as possible?

Honestly! Wouldn't that be something? Everybody gets consideration and appreciation for the heritage and culture that they represent?

So if there's a problem with this line of thinking, you better not EVER let me be the door man at the big dance because I'M LETTING EVERYBODY IN!!!!!!!!!
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From a thread on the general forum. A question posed by ams ed fan. I appreciate the opportunity to make a statement of belief. This is the most important thing in the world.


Originally Posted by ams eds fan View Post

"J, why did you refer to yourself as a christian? From posts of yours that I have seen you seem to have no belief in God at all." AEF

That's a fair question.

I was "saved" on April 6th, 1981.

I lived as a traditional conservative Christian for 10 years or so.

Now, I don't know what to think. My views have changed remarkably.

God might be an alien race. How about that? He might be something we haven't even thought of.

Jesus didn't come to save the believers. He came to save everyone and that's what he did.

I know that these are not traditional Christian beliefs.

Do I believe in God? Not your kind of God, most likely. (no disrespect intended) There seems to be something out there that is bigger than us. A greater reality. Whatever. Something.

It was introduced to us through people along the way but particularly, through Jesus. But he ain't what we think he is. He's more. I really don't think he's too concerned with whether we "sin" or not. Not really.

Yeah yeah. I know the scriptures. Believe me.

Christianity is a great paradox. You must "love your neighbor as yourself" on one hand and then be perfectly OK with ourself making it to heaven while many others end up burning in heill forever. It doesn't make sense.

I think he's about having us figure out how to love one another and in doing so, demonstrating love toward God, whatever that actually is.

Ironic that Christianity taught me the meaning of selfless love because it is exactly that love that compels me to reject the notion that most people won't make it to heaven because they didn't figure it out and "think" the right thoughts here in this ridiculous joke of contradictions we call "life on planet earth."

Jesus was greater than Adam and he completely overcame the effects of Adam and his wife. To think that it takes a person to think the right thoughts (belief) (or any other activity) in order to get into the next level is like forcing a fetus to come out conservative or liberal ... no... even to express its affiliation from the womb or else we're aborting you.

I don't think so, no matter what this particular collection of books happens to indicate.

So, if in your view this means that I don't believe in God and am not a Christian, fine. Judge for yourself, I guess.

Be careful of that, BTW. Friendly little tip.

Love ya.

Mean it.
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Thanks to Chuck Norris Mike Huckabee has leaped into being a solid factor in the Republican nomination for President. Chuck Norris' video endorsement of Mike is legendary, right out of the box.

Credit goes to Polar Bear, my lovely wife, for bringing that clip to Yappi.

They actually out played the Thompson group on the famous person endorsement value factor. Chuck simply told us how it was with Mike. And that's all there is to it. Instant jump in hits to Huckabee website by 450 freaking percent.

(compare that to Oprah's effect on the Obama campaign of plus 10% (meow)

Don't f_ck with Chuck.

The fact that Huckabee is aware of that tells me that he has his finger on the pulse of America, Joe Six pack and his wife and kids.

As of right now, this Republican is willing to place him at a dead even 50/50 with Hillary as the person who will ultimately get my vote.

"Mike? You bet! He's one of us."

There's your campaign slogan.
I am a racist.

I grew up in Green township where we had zero black people. Zero. After high school I joined the Navy and went to bootcamp where nearly one half of the people I lived with were black or Filipino and Hispanic. HUGE culture shock and my skinny white arse was beaten more than once for being a bigot. I deserved it.

But frankly, I cherish every one of those beat downs (verbal and physical) because they taught me a lesson: I am a racist bigot.

And I still am. I fight it and have made tremendous advances. But deep down, I still fear the black man. I still have it in me.

I loathe the culture and influence that have left me in this ridiculous state. I overcome it every day by consciously deciding that I will not be the person that I was raised to be.

I don't understand many aspects of African culture. I am OK with that.

In the mean time, I hope my black brothers and sisters will forgive me and people like me. But I also hope that they will confess to the racism they were raised with and vow, in love, to fight against it and somehow embrace all people.

We are not "one people." We are a mixture of beautiful and different people and cultures. If we can learn to be OK with that and embrace our diversity, we'll be unbreakable and truly indivisible.

I hope I am part of the solution because I was once certainly part of the problem
Stark County's Most Unique Places to Visit
I know that my lovely wife just posted a thread about voting for Gateway Place on myfoxcleveland.com. I don't think she mentioned that not only does it help Aunt Nancy, but you could win a Wide Screen TV for voting. The chances are better than your typical i-net contest.

But this next one is even better. It is found at www.cantonstarkcvb.com.

Because it's a smaller geographic region, the chances of winning are much better and the prize is a $200.00 gas card! NICE!

This would be a remendous help to the family, aslo. So here's what we're asking yappsters to do: go to the website www.cantonstarkcvb.com and go to the "Best of Stark County" tab. It is very easy to vote.

We're looking for the "Most Unique Shop" vote and the "Best Kept Secret" vote. Believe me, this place is worth going to whether you're feeling benevolent enough to help out with a vote or not. it's a really cool place with wine tasting and cheese and gifts and a very cool Amish Country setting.

Please take a minute and vote, though. You might win some gas.
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!!!?

Yes. I am ready. In 11 minutes from now, the 2008-2009 NFL season will start ad I plan to have my butt firmly planted on the couch in front of the tv.

Football is a game where we get to exercise or killer instincts as animals without actually killing.

I know I don't blog as much as some people on this board. But there are some things that are worth it. if the world is to understand the flower sniffin cloud hopper that is J West, it must understand that football is the game that motivates me. I love it.

Tennis, Ok. Basketball, I'll watch. Skating..are you kidding me. You can actually catch a cameltoe just as you can in gymnastycs. I love that stuff.

But football is brute force with intelligence. A plan that is executed with balls to the wall force against an opponent who knows you and is ready. Nothing like it.

Are you ready for some football. Freaking ey right I am.

Now seven minutes to go. Gotta throw a high calorie, high sodium sandwich together and get ready. I don't care if it doesn't count. The first half of the first game is cool.
To all of my friends on Yappi...

It's been a nice ride but it's time for me to move on.

This site has been a fun source of friends and drama. I have no critisism but only praise for Yappi and the site he has and the job he has done.

I am moving on in life. Things dont always work out the way you plan. For me, I have always had the best of intentions. But people don't always pick up what you're laying down.

To Mount Union 82. Keep up the good fight bro. Your passion for your beliefs has always inspired me and despite what you might think, I have enjoyed our arguments and have learned much from you. Good things and I've learned about myself by dealing with you. For that I am grateful.

For Bobcatfan and his unending loyalty and devotion to his partner in life and his views of the world. You inspired my blog in the first place, brother. Though we have never met, I want you to know that I love you, man. You're the kind of person that I try to emmulate as I go through life. My prayers and thoughts are always with you and I wish you the best in life and happiness.

I am moving on. Thank you Yappi for the opportunity you gave me and the forum of people with opinions and feelings, sharing themselves with eachother through this wonderful 21st century means of communication.

To you all, I say Good bye.


Bill Shafer
aka J West
