27 Club Theory? What color lighters are considered bad luck?

Well, just addressing the “27 Club Theory” I hear about famous musicians and rock artists? I’ve heard the theory that all famous musicians and performers who died at the age of 27;(Including Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Amy Winehouse, etc etc etc) all had one thing in common. They were all supposedly as I heard: carrying a “Certain color bic lighter” before they all died? If you could remember or guess: Did know or remember which Bic color lighter was used to describe the 27 Club? Can’t remember if they were all carrying a White colored lighter, a yellow lighter, or a pink lighter, or a blue Bic lighter? If you know perhaps what I’m talking about or referring to: Would know what “Bic lighter color” people usually associate when talking about the 27 Club? Thank you. Just educating myself on it, so next time my friend brings it up with me, I can have more knowledge about it and speak about this topic?