Recent content by cabezadecaballo

  1. cabezadecaballo

    Election Results are Always Correct

  2. cabezadecaballo

    Memes, funny picture thread (for politics) (part 2)

    How about “Performer’s Entrance <<<<“?
  3. cabezadecaballo

    Memes, funny picture thread (for politics) (part 2)

    You have no presentation sense whatsoever. You should’ve reversed the order of those, and at least you would’ve finished on a high note
  4. cabezadecaballo

    AOC vs MTG Catfight

    Not me - not yet anyway. There is an order of operations to “making things right“ when the fix isn’t simple, sometimes. John McCain’s attempt at executive compensation reform actually changed the paradigm and made the pay disparity become far worse, and the taxation of bloated pay essentially...
  5. cabezadecaballo

    AOC vs MTG Catfight

    Term limits without campaign finance reform would be foolish, unless you like the idea of an endless string of newbie corporate puppets, and want to see even more power into the hands of unelected party bosses and career federal agency officials. And if they are all going to be rubberstamp a...
  6. cabezadecaballo

    A Clarion Call To War !!!! This Would Be The Last Straw To Rise Up Against The New World Order ☕☕!!!!

    I heard the Democrats are going to give the working class and the retirees synthetic carob and chicory Nescafé and a new kettle to boil tap water. You will adapt eventually
  7. cabezadecaballo

    Joe's Economy And Bidenomics

    I don’t agree that it’s desirable feature, merely that the lying Dems expected inflation and seek to leverage it. But as you’ll see, I am an honest poster that considers all arguments, not a propagandist tool like yourself. I posted the lefty position on the Ohio State Teacher’s’ Retirement...
  8. cabezadecaballo

    Dems label gun shot detecting microphones racist and call for defunding

    Yeah, I don’t like to party with people who like to shoot indiscriminately into the dark regardless of the circumstances or their skin color, but I hear them boys are out there. Nobody seems to find any need to put any gunshot monitoring out in their hilljack neighborhoods, but, regardless...
  9. cabezadecaballo

    Dems label gun shot detecting microphones racist and call for defunding

    I think that if all shots were logged , and compared to how many find a human as a target or fired in the course of a reported crime, we'd all be surprised at the inefficiency of "Thug Life".
  10. cabezadecaballo

    KC Kicker PRO-Family commencement speech at a catholic university....NFL/Kansas City Chiefs have a problem with speech..

    Their response is their response. Serving God sacrificially within the Church is indeed a higher calling, but with that said, if he had called motherhood and homemaker the highest earthly calling, I’d say he was accurate, and the sisters would have nothing to pander-whine about. Or is it...
  11. cabezadecaballo

    KC Kicker PRO-Family commencement speech at a catholic university....NFL/Kansas City Chiefs have a problem with speech..

    If you’re Harry’s neighbor, you PROBABLY have a real estate sales agent on speed dial, but you’ll DEFINITELY never let them show your house on drunk Wednesday.
  12. cabezadecaballo

    What Have You Learned Today ?, #3

  13. cabezadecaballo

    KC Kicker PRO-Family commencement speech at a catholic university....NFL/Kansas City Chiefs have a problem with speech..

    The point is the goal, not how many on the same path of young married’s w/ children are yet able to achieve it. Most would seem to aspire to this, as many do it as soon as they are able.
  14. cabezadecaballo

    What Have You Learned Today ?, #3

    Austin is pretty much SanFranEast, from the sounds of things. Soros-backed prosecutor as well