Winton Woods '24


Well-known member
WW has one of the most talented roster in the state but, is being held back by the lack of offensive execution. Does the Offense take a step forward or does the residents of Forest Park see more of the same in '24.
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I dont see any measurable improvement for WW. There is lots of areas they can improve on but they also shot themselves in the foot with the decisions on who was going to be the leaders on O. WW should improve enough to beat Milford and advinge the loss to Lebanon.
This said, I dont think anderson will put up 600 points again next year but they will be the ECCs best again.
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Well first I come with my opinion with sooooooooo much Love for the WW program
Second I will leave emotion out of it and strictly base this on me being a former scout for a local high school.

QB position-
*This area needs probably the most work in the offseason, the QB needs a tremendous amount of work which I hope has started the day after the season ended.
*From a scouting standpoint, the QB was/did not seem ready for varsity play. The position was/seemed overwhelmed and not much composure in the pocket.
*Either the passes were too high or at the ground, with excellent height, the QB needs to use his height to his advantage.
*Once he understands how to use this and is more consistent with accuracy, then this area will improve. This QB really needs to go a camp and work on footwork, mobility in the pocket, and confidence.
This year was one of the worst play from the QB position by both QB's and whoever is teaching them needs to do a much better job for next year.
*** now to the GOOD NEWS
* The QB has excellent size and again, once he can understand how to use this, it could be special
* Has excellent arm strength and can sling it.
from my scouting background, I believe the QB position can be greatly improved IF, the work is put in the offseason.
If the work is put in, we could be having a different conversation saying in the next year or two, he could become one the best QB's in the city.

if none of this happens, then WW better look to the transfer portal for a QB option. THIS IS WHERE YOU SHOULD LOL.

Absolutely one on the worst lines WW has had in several years, the offensive line coach did terrible with block technique and block scheme
years ago WW had on the biggest o lines in the history. One guy 6-8 tackle went to Michigan St. another tackle 6-7 went to LSU then to Miami.

half the time they blocked like all ohio, the other times they couldn't block a bag of rocks, so I do understand, however, this year was dismal.

Special teams-
i saw several times over the years where players are coming on the field late, in the Lebanon game and time out had to be called after a TD because they didn't have enough players on the field.
then a game or two later, after another TD players running on the field late.
going offsides on the kickoff had happened several times over the years , really how does this happen year after year . So once again the special teams coach needs to be held accountable also.
this is all discipline football. You hardly see other high teams with this in the special teams play. It's really unacceptable.

Yes WW from what I have seen over the many years and looking from a scouting standpoint, 80% of all holding and personal foul penalties are legit. it's simple discipline and assignment.
10% of the penalties the WW gets are in question
5-10% I have seen that WW will very rarely get the benefit of the doubt . IT IS WHAT IT IS. we are probably one of the most penalized teams in the city and state. If you watch other teams especially in the tournament, it's not like that. so there has to be some issues going on with the culture and coaches.
I have seen WW on any given Friday night give up to 50-150 in penalties alone
I have witnessed WW just give 30,40,50 yards in penalties in one drive, just giving the other team free yards do to discipline and lazy football.

I AM IN LOVE WITH WW FOOTBALL, I only say this from my scouting and my love for WW. We underachieved this year for sure.

I do expect our defense to be strong again and keep us in games, the issue is they didn't get any help from our offense.

Go Warriors
WW has one of the most talented roster in the state but, is being held back by the lack of offensive execution. Does the Offense tack a step forward or does the residents of Forest Park see more of the same in '24.
We shall see, we need a lot of work and adjustments on the offensive side
From what I recall reading on here the main problem with WW was a very subpar O Line. That obviously can have a Huge impact on Offensive execution. Think if they can get an Average O Line they will be just fine next season.
Doesn't WW return both of their massive tackles. I thought their interior OL was the real source of their OL problems. It's gotta get fixed, because they will have a special RB for the next 3 years.
Doesn't WW return both of their massive tackles. I thought their interior OL was the real source of their OL problems. It's gotta get fixed, because they will have a special RB for the next 3 years.
I'm wondering if they run everything back and hope a year of experience fixes everything. I would think a offensive Coordinator and O-Line coach would love to coach at WW.
It's going to be a very good year and you will definitely see improvement in the offense. The OC from the state championship season a few years back (Coach Forest) has returned from a small college gig. And also the WW's line will be much improved with the addition of Coach Calvin Johnson as the O line coach. At the very least Coach Cal will get them tougher and firing off the line of scrimmage.
It's going to be a very good year and you will definitely see improvement in the offense. The OC from the state championship season a few years back (Coach Forest) has returned from a small college gig. And also the WW's line will be much improved with the addition of Coach Calvin Johnson as the O line coach. At the very least Coach Cal will get them tougher and firing off the line of scrimmage.

Best news of the year on Yappi.
I haven’t posted since like December and took a Yappi cleanse break.
Your post got me back lol.

Forest and Coach Johnson back?
Dude that is just great news!
And some folks will be grippin about WW back to D1.
Not WW people.
This program mentality has been play anyone, anytime, anywhere.
Win or lose it’s the challenge that makes it sweet.
Love it!
I’m out again lol but will be back.
Go Warriors
I am glad to see them back!
What's the latest update, has anybody transferred out/in? What's tge outlook on offense? I'm comfortable with saying the Defense will be salty.
Wow, from one of the largest D2's to one of the smallest D1's. Honestly though not much separation between these 2 divisions today. Even with and especially after St. Ed. Good Luck!!!
I predict Hoban retools and wins D2. So much talent on both sides of the ball.