Purchase Sticky Advertisement
Purchase Sticky Advertisement
Purchase "Sticky Advertisement" on Yappi.com
  • What are "Sticky Advertisements"?
    These are threads that are stickied to the top of the forum of your choice. The threads are advertisements for products or services that are targeted to that specific forum.

  • How much does it cost?
    $20 for a thread that is stickied for seven days.

  • Why has there been a change?
    As the site has grown, the number of for-profit and non-profit companies posting their ads on the site has increased. We have offered sticky ads for a while but have begun moving these announcement ads to their own forum to prevent these ads from overwhelming each forum and their intended purpose. Additionally, this small fee for each sticky ad in a specific forum helps offset the cost of maintaining the site.

  • How will the thread be started?
    If you have a user account, you can start the ad yourself in the announcement forum and it will be moved to the appropriate forum. If you do not have an account, you can email the ad in and it will be posted.

  • Will there be discussion in the thread?
    It is your choice. You can have the thread open to answer any user questions or you can have it closed so that no replies are allowed.

    Purchase Sticky Advertisement
    Or mail check to:
    Yappi Sports
    1675 State Route 59 #259
    Kent, OH 44240